
House in Chuomachi / 2007 /


There used to be so many wholesale stores around this area. The slender area is 60 square meters and suitable for business. To construct living accommodation In such occasion, privacy and security must be preserved. So we designed concrete wall on the longer side without windows and openings. It also shuts the light of the setting sun. On the other side, Three openings on the wall in order to contribute to prospering the streets with the inner lights shine through them. And planting a maple tree in the the void surrounded by concrete wall, tells the seasonal changes. In this way, between inside and outside, interactive compromise was born.


設計 : TORU SHIMOKAWA architects
写真 : 水崎浩志

所在地 : 福岡県久留米市
計画種別 : 新築
用途 : 専用住宅
主体構造 : 鉄筋コンクリート造
規模 : 地上3階
敷地面積 : 62.97㎡
建築面積 : 56.24㎡
延床面積 : 142.89㎡
設計期間 : 2005年8月~2006年8月
工事期間 : 2006年9月~2007年3月


『Bauwelt』1-2.09 (Bauwelt/ドイツ)
『PLOT』04 (PLOT/アルゼンチン)